Real estate : everything that changed on July 1, 2022
The month of July always brings its share of novelties and this year, the real estate sector is particularly concerned. Through various measures, the government is trying to provide answers to landlords and tenants, worried about the inflationary context. The ecology of housing is also targeted, with a view to continuing the energy transition and renovating the country’s housing stock.
The real estate news of July 1 , 2022 : here we go!
Implementation of the rent shield
Protecting the French from rising energy prices makes it logical to install protection against the foreseeable rise in rents. Indeed, these are indexed to general inflation which, it should be remembered, is positioned at more than 5% over a rolling year and could still gain points by the end of 2022.
To prevent rents from following the same path, the government is therefore imposing a “rent shield”, intended to limit this increase to 3.5% – for one year, for the moment. At the same time, housing aid (APL) will be increased by the same percentage.
The amending finance bill, if it has not yet been definitively approved, should be ratified in the coming weeks for retroactive application to July 1.

End of oil and coal heating
This decision was taken a long time ago, but it came into force on July 1 : the most polluting energies will no longer have a place in our homes. More precisely , the installation of new boilers running on oil or coal is now totally prohibited.
It should be noted that existing boilers do not have to be replaced immediately, and can on the contrary continue to be maintained and repaired – the opposite would have been environmental nonsense!
In certain specific cases, the ban may be waived if the consequences of a change of fuel are too troublesome: work impossible or other existing networks too underdeveloped to allow a simple transition.
Facilitation of the combination of MaPrimeRénov ‘/eco-loan at zero rate (PTZ)
Simplifying the procedures giving access to aid for energy renovation is a welcome desire on the part of the public authorities. The appearance of the MaPrimeRénov ‘ device already brought together all the existing public aid more than a year ago. To benefit in addition to the eco-PTZ, applicants had until now to make two separate requests: with the national housing agency (Anah) for MaPrimeRénov’, and with a bank for the PTZ, by providing the same supporting documents to both entities.
Anah’s agreement to allocate a subsidy will henceforth suffice to constitute the file with the bank. The works must not have started for more than six months before the application for the zero-interest loan, which must be issued within six months after the Anah grant agreement.

Accumulation MaprimeRénov ‘Sérénité and CEE premiums
Modest and very modest households carrying out major energy renovation work, allowing an energy gain of at least 35%, can, subject to means testing, benefit from an additional bonus thanks to the MaPrimeRénov ‘Sérénité scheme. This aid can reach 50% of the total cost of the works. Note that it is necessary not to have subscribed to a PTZ during the five years preceding the request.
MaPrimeRénov ‘Sérénité can now be combined with the bonuses linked to energy savings certificates (CEE) allocated by energy suppliers. Accumulation is possible with the bonuses granted by type of work, or with the bonus allocated for a global renovation, which must then allow an energy gain of at least 50%.
End clap for the Insulation Boost
Insulation work on the roof, attic or low floors will now benefit from less significant aid: the insulation boost ended on June 30 and households undertaking such work will have to make do with the premiums accessible via the EEC.
This is not a step back from the government, but rather the desire to adapt aid to gain energy performance, which the Insulation Boost did not allow. It is also an aid that has left the door open to many abuses by companies.
Rental advertisements become clearer
Landlords are now subject to more obligations regarding the information to be provided in their rental advertisements. In addition to the price of the monthly rent (accompanied by the mention “per month) and the living area (according to the Carrez law), they must specify the level of rent control in the cities where the device is applied with, if necessary, the amount of additional rent required.
In addition, the rental charges must be detailed and explained, as well as the methods of payment of these charges. Other details are mandatory, such as the furnished nature of the rental if applicable, the amount of the security deposit, the fees charged to the tenant for carrying out the inventory and of course, the classification of the accommodation in energy performance diagnosis (and for greenhouse gas emissions).
While these new developments do not revolutionize the field of real estate – apart from perhaps the rent shield which could modify the strategy of certain investors – the measures are generally going in the right direction: that of making it possible to occupy healthier housing, without necessarily breaking the bank to improve them. Other measures are scheduled to enter into force on 1 January next, such as the definition of decent housing through energy performance criteria. Case to follow!